Spit It Out Adventure
  Incidentally, to save money on the budget, we cast our co-workers as the characters in the game. Unfortunately, though, the dorkiest and non-coolest role as the Sigfried and Roy understudy went to me (pictured above).
Spit It Out Adventure
Spit It Out Adventure

To coincide with STRIDE GUM'S "Spit It Out Already" campaign, we created an intricate and interactive game world in which amateur ninjas , second rate magicians, and a maniacal dentist attempted to extract the ridiculously long lasting gum from the mouth of chewers. 

The website inspired feverish praise all across the blogosphere and even garnered an FWA of the Day Award as well as a Shortlist nomination for a Cannes International Award. 

Spit it Out Adventure Case Study
  Incidentally, to save money on the budget, we cast our co-workers as the characters in the game. Unfortunately, though, the dorkiest and non-coolest role as the Sigfried and Roy understudy went to me (pictured above).

Incidentally, to save money on the budget, we cast our co-workers as the characters in the game. Unfortunately, though, the dorkiest and non-coolest role as the Sigfried and Roy understudy went to me (pictured above).