Capital One asked us to promote it's mobile banking app via a series of videos. And so we did, but did so, in one instance, with the assistance of the world's premiere power metal band Dragonforce and an asteroid shower.  This also helped me cross "
 Capital One asked us to promote it's mobile banking app via a series of videos. And so we did, but did so, in one instance, with the assistance of the world's premiere power metal band Dragonforce and an asteroid shower.  This also helped me cross "

Capital One asked us to promote it's mobile banking app via a series of videos. And so we did, but did so, in one instance, with the assistance of the world's premiere power metal band Dragonforce and an asteroid shower.

This also helped me cross "get nationwide banking franchise to collaborate with metal band" off my bucket list. 

I Can't Fight This Feeling (To Bank)

The washed-out 80's rocker puppet competes for the attention of his ventriloquist.

Total Banking Domination

The two legendary guitarists from the world renowned power metal band DragonForce can bank whenever even whilst shredding on some epic rifts and riding in an asteroid storm. 

Les Dance De Mobile

We asked Capital One, how avant-garde could we get in promoting its app? The answer was, "Very."